Tuesday, June 30, 2009
"The Key to Influencing Others"
One of the best ways to influence someone is to do something nice for him.
I know many successful salespeople who make a habit of taking their prospects out to breakfast or lunch. During the breakfast or lunch, they do not talk about their products or services unless the client brings it up. They merely make small talk, ask questions and listen.
They work on building trust, and they work on establishing a friendly relationship. At the end of the breakfast or lunch, they tell the prospect that they will be getting in touch with him sometime in the future with the possibility of talking to him about helping him in some way.
See Them As Friends and Partners...
The best salespeople and businesspeople in America today are those who look upon their customers and prospective customers as friends and partners.
They always look for ways to help their partners improve their lives in ways that are not directly related to the products or services they sell. They sow seeds, and they reap a harvest. They trigger a desire in people to reciprocate.
When the time comes for those salespeople to approach their prospects with the possibility of buying their products or services, the prospects are wide open to the questions and inputs of the salespeople. The prospects have a deep-down desire to reciprocate.
Send Thank You Notes...
One of the best ways to use this principle in your interactions is to continually look for ways to say and do positive things for people. Look for ways to do kind acts and favors for your friends and prospects.
Send thank-you notes. Send birthday cards. Send clippings from newspapers about subjects that you feel may be of interest to them. Always keep your promises, and follow up on your commitments.
Always do what you say you will do. Do everything possible to put in, knowing confidently that you will ultimately be able to get out far more. You will reap if you sow.
Be A Go-Giver Rather Than A Go-Getter...
Someone has observed that no one ever built a statue to a person to acknowledge what he or she got out of life. Statues are built only to people to acknowledge what they gave.
The most powerful, influential and successful people you will ever meet always look for ways to do nice things for others.
When you meet someone under almost any circumstance, one of the best questions you can ask is this: "Is there anything that I can do for you?"
Always look for ways to put in rather than to take out. The successful man or woman of today is a "go-giver" as well as a go-getter.
Be Open and Empathetic...
The more that people feel that you are open and empathetic and sensitive to their needs and concerns, the more open they will be to your influencing them positively in some way.
And the more you can influence others with the power and impact of your personality, the more you will accomplish, and the faster you will accomplish it. The more rapidly you will move toward the great success that you desire and deserve.
Action Exercises:
Here are two things you can do immediately to put these ideas into action.
First, look for ways to do nice things for other people, especially your family, friends, and customers. The more nice things you do for others, the better you feel about yourself.
Second, take time to really listen to people, especially your staff and coworkers. The more and better you listen to others, the greater is your influence over them."
~Brian Tracy
Milicki and Associates, Inc.
110 Evans Mill Drive, Suite 103, Dallas, Georgia 30157
Office: 770-874-2022 | Toll Free: 1-866-966-3022 | Fax: 770-874-2027
www.milicki.com | info@milicki.com
Friday, June 26, 2009
How to Make Your Offer Stand Out
First, people want to see a particular home. So the agent will call only to find out that the home really is not active and that it has multiple offers on it. The status really and truly should be changed to pending or back up or hold depending on the situation. I cannot tell you how many times I call only to find out a home is not available. Many times, I can leave messages for other agents and they never get back to me because they are "too busy" aren't we all. The board of realtors will be fining agents for not putting homes that truly are not active in their proper category so the other agents do not waste their time. I called on over 40 homes in Fontana the other day and one 1 was truly available.
The offer you make needs to stand out. What do I mean by stand out? Well, first you need to make sure you are working with a reputable bank...not ABC Mortgage in timbucktwo...you need to work with someone that people respect, such as a big solid bank like say for example Wells Fargo would be good. Anyone knows they are very strict with their lending. So, get a pre-approval, not a pre-qualfication letter. Also, when trying to buy a REO listing (Bank Owned) they do have you cross qualify with their lender which is normal. Many people do not understand this and get upset over it. Just do it, otherwise, your offer will not even be looked at by the bank.
Don't ask for a lot of concessions. By this I mean, don't ask for closing costs if you don't need them. That will net less to the bank and someone may outbid you on a property. If at all possible make your best offer. I always run comparables for my clients so they are not over paying. One thing many people think is if they are the highest and best offer out there they certainly will get the house. Not necessarily if it is over the appraised value the bank won't allow the sale to go to you. They know the market and know what the home should sell for, they want to get the closest to that they can. So, make sure you know what the house is worth and don't overbid.
The type of financing really matters to the banks these days for an REO listing or (Bank Owned). Cash is best, but most people don't have all cash. Conventional financing is best over FHA/VA loans. However, it is what it is and just keep trying. The inventory has been down therefore, homes are getting multiple offers. You want to get over to see a house as soon as it is listed and make an offer right away, don't wait or it will be gone.
Don't blame your agent if he/she writes up your offer how YOU wanted it. Remember, your agent represents you and you need to make sure you are happy with it before it is submitted. It is not totally an agents fault, we must take responsibility for our own actions and not be so tough on the agents. It is hard to get a house accepted with you are competing with so many other offers. You need to figure out what you can live with and not ask for on a home to make your offer stand out. And, you need to ask yourself how much you are ready to pay. See the comparables that your agent should provide you, and if they don't ask to see them.
Keep your offer as simple as possible and make sure it nets the bank or seller the highest amount possible and that should help you have a stronger offer."
~ Joan Patterson
Milicki and Associates
110 Evans Mill Drive, Suite 103, Dallas, Georgia 30157
Office: 770-874-2022 | Fax: 770-874-2027
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
FREE First-Time Homebuyers Workshop
Saturday, June 29, 2009 - Gwinnett Technical College
U.S. Senator Johnny Isakson welcomes you to a free workshop for first-time homebuyers, offering information about homeownership opportunities. Government agencies will be on hand to offer advice and answer questions. The workshop will take place THIS Saturday, June 27, 2009, from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm at Gwinnett Technical College, located at 5150 Sugarloaf Parkway, Lawrenceville, Georgia 30043.
Please RSVP by Thursday, June 25, 2009:
Email rsvp@isakson.senate.gov
or phone (770) 661 661-0999." ~ Georgia Association of REALTORS®
Milicki and Associates
110 Evans Mill Drive, Suite 103, Dallas, Georgia 30157
Monday, June 22, 2009
New Home + Children = Childproofing is a Must!
You'll find all kinds of gadgets for sale that can really help your home childproofing efforts. Or, if you can afford it, you can hire a professional childproofer to choose and install safety devices for you. But, keep in mind, gadgets are NO substitute for your eyes and ears! Prevention is crucial - Here are some recommended steps to childproof your home.
1. Install safety latches on all cabinets and drawers, plus locking latches on all appliances that open and close. Stow away cleaning products, medications, vitamins, knives, etc.
2. Use stove back burners, and turn pot handles toward the back of the stove. Use stove knob covers and stove guards, including oven locks. Some newer dishwashers have built-in child locks, too.
3. Keep appliances and kitchenware out of reach and away from the edge of counters.
4. Put visual reminders around - look for "Mr. Yuk" stickers, or make your own!!
5. Use up-to-the-minute, new safety caps for all outlets, all around the house, and unplug all appliances when not in use.
6. Make sure plastic garbage and sandwich bags are kept out of reach.
1. Use safety latches where needed.
2. Use toilet locks to keep lids closed, and children out!
3. Install anti-scalding devices on faucets and showerheads (set water temperature to 120 degrees).
4. Unplug hairdryers and electric razors after use
5. Use child-proof caps for all medications, and keep them out of reach of children
6. Make sure any bathroom (or area) rugs have non-slip pads. Also make sure bathtubs are slip-proof.
Garage and yard
1. Test garage doors to make sure they reverse automatically when they come in contact with anything.
2. Repair any loose bricks or walkways.
3. Keep gardening tools and hoses stored properly.
4. Make sure pools have proper fencing, preferably around their perimeter
5. Install safety netting around balconys and decks.
Around the house
1. Install safety gates at the top and bottom of all staircases
2. Use doorknob covers, and corner and edge bumpers on furniture
3. Make sure furniture, including cribs, is placed away from windows.
4. One cause of in-home accidents is when children pull tv's or furniture down - make sure cords are hidden .... prevent furniture from tipping by securing with brackets. Keep dresser drawers closed - they make perfect ladders!
5. Keep recliner chairs in the closed position
6. Post emergency information (phone numbers for police, fire, md's and poison control, etc.) next to all phones. The phone number for the National Poison Control Center is (800) 222-1222.
7. Make sure window blinds don't have looped cords as these can be strangulation hazards. Secure windows and doors (low windows shouldn't open more than 4 inches).
8. Remove or place special hinges on free-falling lids from toy chests or hampers.
9. Some plants can be poisonous - make sure yours aren't!
10. Keep children away from exercise equipment, and unplug when not in use.
11. Keep an eye out for small objects that your child could choke on (paper clips, beads, buttons, coins, etc.).
12. Be sure to install smoke detectors on each floor in your home and carbon monoxide detectors, too (they should be within 10 feet of all bedrooms).
Remember that childproofing your home can never be 100% effective against injury. That's why it is so important to supervise children at all times. I hope these suggestions and checklist will help make your home a safer haven for all your children and visitors!" ~ Debbie Rose, Linvingston, NJ
Milicki and Associates
110 Evans Mill Drive, Suite 103, Dallas, Georgia 30157
Office: 770-874-2022 | Fax: 770-874-2027
ATTN GA Agents: New Regulations to Effect Your Closings!!! PLEASE READ!
-HVCC: Requires that all consumers receive a copy of their appraisal no less than 3 days prior to their closing; therefore, closings should not be scheduled for at least 10 days AFTER the lender receive the appraisal to allow sufficient time to underwrite the appraisal, to mail the appraisal, and to provide 3 days for consumer review.
1. The EARLIEST a consumer can close their home loan is 7 business days AFTER receipt of initial disclosures. Disclosures are not sent to the consumer until after we receive the initial loan decision. (Encourage your clients to get a preapproval as soon as they start the home buying process!)
2. Lenders are now required to issue a Truth-In-Lending (TIL) Disclosure at least 3 business days prior to closing. If the actual APR at closing is .125% more or less than the APR in the initial TIL, lenders will need to re-disclose a new TIL and the closing will have to be rescheduled for 4 business days later (this will SIGNIFICANTLY impact the ability of Mortgage Brokers to meet your closing deadlines!)
There are several other changes under HERA-HOEPA which can impact your closings. Without going into much detail, I would suggest following these guidelines to insure a positive client experience:
1. Encourage your clients to get a real pre-approval at the beginning of the home buying process - make sure that the lender reviews these federal guidelines with them at that time.
2. Identify the closing attorney as soon as the contract is written and obtain their fee sheet as their fees can have an impact on the APR.
3. DO NOT schedule a closing date until at least 30 days after the contract is executed to avoid missed closings.
Anita C. Young, Broker
Milicki and Associates
110 Evans Mill Drive, Suite 103, Dallas, Georgia 30157
Office: 770-874-2022 | Fax: 770-874-2027
Friday, June 19, 2009
Spring Fling 2009 - What a Success!
Fun was had. Giveaways were won.
Yesterday, we hosted our first Spring Fling company event. Located at
As promised, we had many FANTASTIC giveaways. To see what you missed out on, here is a list of the giveaways and winners:
Milicki and Associates sign pack - Vanessa Williams
Milicki and Associates polo shirt - Rhonda Sosebee
$10 printing credit in the office - Nick Guerrero
$10 printing credit in the office - Phyllis Sands
$10 printing credit in the office - Brad Hartman
5 Milicki and Associates folders - Ebony
5 Milicki and Associates folders - Bonnie Smith
5 Milicki and Associates folders - Frank Milicki
Stars and Strikes gift card set - Mallory (Steve’s Daughter)
Stars and Strikes gift card set - Austin (Anita’s Son)
Stars and Strikes gift card set - Joy (Phyllis’s Daughter)
Stars and Strikes gift card set - Jabar Dozier
Stars and Strikes gift card set - Dominque
Panera Bread gift card - Steve and Kathy Milicki
Panera Bread gift card - Victoria (Bonnie’s Daughter)
Panera Bread gift card - Nanette Stewart
Chili’s gift card - Michael Stewart
If you really missed out on the event, no worries!!! We will be having another company event later this year.
We have pictures and videos of the event. The pictures are already up on Facebook and MySpace. If you do not have a profile on either of these websites, you need one. Until you can get a profile on these websites, you can view the pictures here:
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Tips to Make Moving Easier
1) Get Estimates - Be very careful who you hire! Always remember you get what you pay for and always read what you sign. Have a few reputable moving companies come and give you estimates. Some do flat rate, by the pound, by the hour, and others by the size of the home and estimated sq footage needed in truck space. Be very clear as to which plan you are agreeing to and ask as many question you need to until you get the clarity you are looking for. Driving time usually gets added after a certain distance so always factor that in as well. Another great way to choose a mover is by referral, we all know word of mouth is always the best referral.
2) Clean Out Prior To The Move - Have a tag sale, moving sale, any kind of sale that will help clear out all your unwanted salable stuff. Other ways to lighten the load are charitable donations, depending on the condition alot of companies will come and pick up the stuff. Also get rid of anything before you move, there is no sense in bringing unwanted stuff to the new place and getting rid of it there. All that does is add to your bill and headache. This may sound like a no-brainer but I can tell you first hand it's not.
3) Pack - If you can, try to do as much of the packing yourself otherwise you will pay by the hour for the professionals. Between materials and man power the hours will add up. If you have to go this route then you do but if you don't save yourself some money. Anything that can go in a box will make the loading of the truck much easier. When it comes to packing boxes the trick is to pack it tightly so that NOTHING moves once closed. It's the shifting or jingling of fragile items that cause the breaks. Start by stuffing all bottom corners and coat the bottom of the box with crumpled newspaper to make it more of a cushion. Always pack glasses and dishes straight up and down, NEVER flat. Think of it as you would an egg, staright up and down is much harder to break then laying flat. Always wrap the glassware in a couple of sheets of newspaper to act as a buffer for the next dish or glass. Once packed stuff all open holes with paper to make a tight fit, then crumple a bunch more to completely fill the top until the box closes tightly. Remember the movers will stack the box so you don't want there to be any give in the top of the box. Let the movers handle anything you are scared to wrap as they can do a few things the day of the move, but don't save a ton of packing for the day of, do as much as possible prior. ALWAYS label the box with the items inside and the ROOM they will go in at the new home.
4) Measure And Label - Try to measure doorways in your new home prior so you can catch any potential problems for furniture that won't fit or go upstairs. Having the movers strategize and attempt the difficult can eat up alot of moving time and cost you more money. If you can remove any handrails in the home if you think furniture going up or downstairs my have a problem getting by. Also try to label each room so that once the movers exit the truck with an item you can stand by the door and tell them what room and all they have to do is look for the sign on the doorway.
5) Don't Stress - Most think moving is a very stressful experience, for some it is. I'm here to tell you it doesn't have to be. Most feel this way because they don't know where to begin and get completely overwhelmed. If you have a plan in advance and a mover that works with you as a guide your move can actually be a pleasurable experience. Being organized is your key to success!"
~ Christopher Pagli
Milicki and Associates
110 Evans Mill Drive
Suite 103
Dallas, Georgia 30157
Office: 770-874-2022
Fax: 770-874-2027
Monday, June 15, 2009
A Great Testimonial for Tommy Williams
This is a testimonial that Tommy received on June 12, 2009 from his most recent client:
Just wanted to tell you how much we appreciated your perserverance and diligence. you made it possible for us to get the home we wanted. Even after it was under contract, you continued to keep track of it and called us as soon as it became available again.
You are an angel in disguise! And you stand behind your words,"tom will sell". We will gladly give your name and number to anyone we know that is looking for a home of their own.
We wish you much success and happiness in your future and wish you God speed.
Thank you for our home,
Mickey and Keri DeLoach"
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Featured Properties

What a great home with tons of space! This 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath home is amazing. As a wel-cared for and a well-maintained yard, this home is perfect for just about anyone. A formal living room, formal dining room, a master bathroom with a jetted tub and separate shower make this home a steal at $176,900.

Located in the Rose Woods subdivision, this gorgeous home encases 4 bedrooms and 3.5 baths. With an in-law suite and beautiful landscaping, this home is perfect for parties and family get-togethers. Listed at $309,900, this traditional home is a gem, especially since it is only 12 years old.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Spring Fling 2009
Our Spring Fling event is almost upon us..... only days away! Remember that you can bring your spouse, children, and agents that you would like to recruit to Milicki and Associates' elite fleet. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO is RSVP by 6.12.09!! To RSVP or if you have any questions, please email Constance at csmith@milicki.com or call at 770-874-2022.
Free food, free fun, free giveaways.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Featured Properties

2257 Salt Springs Place, Austell
For those seeking the feeling of community without the hassle of renting an yard upkeep, this home is perfect. Located in Austell, this unit has 2 bedrooms and 1.5 bathrooms. With a price tag of $30,210, this is a perfect spot for college students, first time homebuyers, empty nesters, and retirees.

This lovely ranch home sits on over 8 acres in the Cobb county area. It includes stables, a riding arena, and trails. The home even has an outdoor rock fireplace. This home is an equestrian's dream, especially with the newly reduced priced of $489,950.
Milicki and Associates
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
We Have a New Real Estate Agent Who Has Joined Our Team
Now is the time to SELL your home, too!
WASHINGTON (Reuters) — Pending sales of previously owned homes in April unexpectedly saw their biggest monthly gain in 7-1/2 years, a report from a trade group Tuesday showed, supporting views the recession is easing.
The National Association of Realtors said its Pending Home Sales Index, based on contracts signed in April, rose 6.7% in April to 90.3 from 84.6 in March.
It was the third straight monthly increase and the largest jump since October 2001. The monthly gain took the index 3.2% above its year-ago level in the latest sign the battered U.S. housing sector was stabilizing.
Economists polled ahead of the report were expecting pending home sales to rise 0.5%.
The downturn in the housing market touched off a global credit crisis that sent economies worldwide tumbling into recession. Now, signs are emerging that the global economy is beginning to heal.
The association's senior economist, Lawrence Yun, credited improved home affordability and a new government program that provides an $8,000 tax credit for first-time homebuyers for the surge in buying activity.
The NAR said its Housing Affordability Index, which blends factors like home prices and mortgage rates, was "in record territory" with 30-year mortgage rates hovering around 5% and an abundance of homes on the market.
The last time the trade group's pending home sales index had risen for at least three straight months was the period from July through October 2004 — a housing boom year. "
Monday, June 1, 2009
How to Find a Great Real Estate Agent
1. Does this real estate agent have a valid real estate license? You can check this information on the Georgia Real Estate Commission website.
2. Does this real estate agent belong to an online listing service and boards in the area? You can visit the listing services and boards websites, but asking the real
estate agent would be easiest.
3. Does this real estate agent have any special designations or qualifications?
4. Is this agent a seller or buyer’s agent?
5. How will this real estate agent help you achieve your goals in real estate? You can ask the real estate agent how they will market your home, find homes for sale,
6. Does this real estate agent have a website that is informative and complete? This will let you know that he or she is an agent that is committed to his or her work.
7. Does this real estate agent have any references, referrals, or testimonials?
Real estate agents at Milicki & Associates must have a valid license. All of the listings with our real estate office are listed in numerous online listing websites for maximum exposure to potential buyers. We also require that our real estate agents be active members on at least one local board. Many of our agents have special qualifications and areas of distinction, including e-PRO and REALTOR. Our job is to work beside you to achieve your goal – your goals are our goals. Our entire website is devoted to assisting our clients in every real estate venture; however, if you still have questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. As far as testimonials, we will soon have those on our website to showcase to our clients.
We want to be your real estate office of preference. Please contact us so that we can work with you to achieve your real estate goals.
Milicki & Associates, Inc.
10 Evans Mill Drive, Suite 103, Dallas, Georgia 30157
770-874-2022 Fax: 770-874-2027 http://www.milicki.com/